Every Invisalign treatment starts with a Invisalign Consultation. Generally this is a 30-minute appointment to introduce you to Invisalign, and allow you to discover which type of treatment will be right for you.
Before your appointment you will be given a Smile Evaluation Form to complete which allows our team members to see which aspects of your Smile you are concerned about.
During your Consultation, one of our team will take a minumum of 5 images using an IPhone app. They will then run a case assessment to see whether Invisalign GO or Invisalign Full will be right for you. At that same appointment impressions of your teeth will be taken to create an outcome simulator which shows how your teeth could look with Invisalign.
At that consultation costs will be discussed including the various ways you can make payment including using our interest free payment plans, should you require one.
There is no pressure to go ahead, and our intention is to simply introduce you to the various types of Invisalign treatment. We want to leave you with all of the facts so you can go away and decide if Invisalign is right for you.
At this point the choice is still yours, and there is no obligation to proceed with the treatment. In most cases, seeing how good their teeth could look, leads most patients to proceed. But the choice is still yours.
To book your Invisalign consultation call our team today and they will be more than happy to help.
If you decide that you want to go ahead with treatment, then an appointment will be booked with one of our Invisalign providers.
This appointment is the first stage of treatment. The dentist will discuss your treatment needs with you and create a Clincheck which gets sent online to Invisalign and allows us to track your treatment before we start. The dentist will go through any questions with you and consent for treatment.
You would then come back for a second appointment with the provider to review the Clincheck. If you are happy with the Clincheck, this will be approved for your aligners to be made.
Your full set of aligners are made in advance and stored at the practice ready for you. Each one will need to be collected by you and worn for 2 weeks. At the end of this period, simply return the old aligner to us and collect your new one. Your teeth will be moved gradually over the next few months, resulting in a brand new smile you’ll be proud to show off.
There is no need for a lengthy fitting appointment, as you’d get with fixed braces. There is also no need for regular tightening appointments or frequent check-ups. The whole process is much more convenient, comfortable and hygienic too.
The length of treatment differs on a case-by-case basis and can range anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Average length is between 12 and 18 months.
The cost of the Clincheck is £200 , which is the amount we are charged by Invisalign for the Service. However it is essential when deciding if the treatment is right for you. If you continue to go ahead with treatment, then this cost is included in the full price.
At the appointment where you approve the Clincheck,
To book your Invisalign consultation, call our team today and they will be more than happy to help.